'Getting The Builders In' Homeowner Webinar

Together with other Local Authority Building Control (LABC) teams in Surrey, we hosted our first live webinar in May 2021 and were overwhelmed by the take up from homeowners. We have now edited the webinar and you can watch the recording here on YouTube.
About the webinar
If you are a homeowner embarking on a build project for the first time, the webinar offers good basic advice and helps to clear up many of the common misunderstandings about planning and building control. It will help unravel the two separate processes of applying for planning permission and building regulations approval. The webinar is presented by a senior planning officer, a building control manager and a trading standards officer.
The presentation covers:
- The difference between planning permission and building regulations
- Do you need planning permission for your project?
- Tips on submitting your planning application
- Why building control is important
- What types of projects need a building regulations application and ways to apply
- Trading Standards advice on employing builders and agents.
Please get in touch
If after watching the webinar you would like to arrange a free 1-2-1 chat with us to discuss the building regulations in relation to your project, please get in contact.